WTTC launches Mental Wellbeing Tips to Foster a Supportive Travel Sector
One of the world’s largest employment industry — the ‘travel and hospitality industry’ has witnessed staggering job losses in recent times. The US Travel Association and Tourism Economics has reported unemployment in the leisure and hospitality sector to be two fold the national rates. Consequently, the emotional health of all employees is getting affected.
Considering high stress levels of employees, the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has shared some mental wellbeing tips recently. The tips have been laid out to help firms to prepare their employees for a post Covid-19 world. Good employee health will help travel industry to fetch considerably good revenue, thereby kick starting early recovery.
Speaking on the launch of mental wellbeing tips, WTTC’s President and Chief Executive Gloria Guevara said, “After nearly a full year of insecurity and hardship that has come from the Covid-19 pandemic, the time could not be more appropriate to invest in the mental well-being of this sector. The travel and tourism sector is one that brings joy to people of all walks of life, therefore it makes perfect sense for the sector to reflect these values within the workplace as well”.
WTTC’s mental wellbeing tips are important as they have been released at a time when all employees of the travel sector have been juggling to see a ray of hope amidst lockdowns, quarantines and job losses. By reflecting upon the incorporation of these values within the workspace of travel industry’s employees, WTTC has highlighted the often ignored aspect of a company’s revenue. Since employees’ mental wellbeing is proportional to the company’s growth, emphasising upon this aspect will help to build a better future of the travel industry.
As per the World Health Organisation (WHO), every $1 investment in improved treatment for common mental disorders has shown a $4 return in improved health and productivity of people. With over 600,600 job losses in the UK and over 3,200,000 and 350,000 jobs lost in the US and Canada respectively, the industry employees are bound to be victims of high stress levels.
Amidst such challenging times, the travel and hospitality sector must stand together as a community to support each other and better prepare for the challenges which are set to come next.